Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Man Attacks Congregation

Man Admits To Attempted Church Bombing
Guilt admitted in church bomb try
A drunken escapade with racist overtones last summer has left a 29-year-old Buffalo man facing a term in federal prison.
Richard M. Blonski, 29, of Jones Street, pleaded guilty to three felony charges Monday in connection with an attempted bombing July 4 at a predominantly black church on Lewis Street.
In a case that initially was investigated as a potential hate crime, Blonski admitted that he made a pipe bomb and placed it inside Redeeming Fire Fellowship Church.
Although the fuse was lit on the bomb, police said, it did not go off. No one was in the church when Blonski threw it inside.
Appearing in U.S. District Court before Judge Richard J. Arcara, Blonski pleaded guilty to felonies of attempted arson and bombmaking and to a civil rights crime of intending to damage a religious facility based on racial motivations.
The case was investigated by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Buffalo fire marshals and other agencies.
Shortly after his arrest, Blonski told federal agents that he had consumed an excessive quantity of Southern Comfort liqueur and "a bunch of beers" before deciding to try to bomb the church.
Blonski, who is employed as a fence installer, told agents that he committed the crime because he was despondent that his life appeared to be going nowhere. But in his plea agreement, he admitted that he targeted the church because of the "race, color and ethnic characteristics" of the congregants.
"Is that what happened here?" Arcara asked Blonski.
"Yes," the defendant said.
The attempted bombing occurred four weeks after Redeeming Fire Fellowship took over a building that, for decades, had been Precious Blood Catholic Church.
If the judge decides to follow advisory sentencing guidelines, Blonski could face at least five years and three months in prison when he is sentenced July 7.
But if he had been convicted of using a bomb in a crime of violence, he could have faced a mandatory minimum prison term of 30 years, Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard P. Maigret said.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Teen Hold Church Hostage For Cell Phone

TULSA, OK -- A slight disturbance after a prayer meeting at a Tulsa church resulted in two teens in handcuffs. Officers report that a teen held parishioners of the Sheridan Road Baptist Church hostage because someone in the church wouldn't return his cell phone.
Officers say the teen and others were blocking the doors, preventing people from leaving. Pastor John Plum told FOX23 it all started during youth service. The teen thought someone had his phone, which happened to be turned off. Plum said he tried to talk to the teen and even offered assistance in searching for the cell phone, but the teen became belligerent. That's when the church called law enforcement for assistance. "Our desire as a church is to reach out to families and help in any way we can, but our priority last evening was the safety of our elderly parishioners," Plum said. When officers responded, they tried to persuade the teens to leave, but they wouldn't comply. While trying to arrest the teen, another teen jumped in the way. That teen was also arrested. "We tried to talk to the teenagers, they were uncooperative, they were very upset and yelling," Offcier Darren Shipley said. One officer was transported to the hospital for a knee injury. He has since been released.
Bullet Holes Found on Church Exterior
NEW BOSTON (March 19, 2010)—A worker who was changing a light bulb at a church in northeast Texas discovered nearly three-dozen bullet holes along the building’s eaves.
Liberty Hill Baptist Church Pastor James O. Hilton said the bullets could have damaged electrical wiring.
He said whoever fired at the building "took a chance on setting the church on fire."
At least 35 bullet holes were discovered March 12 when a security light was changed at the church near New Boston.
Authorities say they may have been made by shotgun pellets.
Hilton told the Texarkana Gazette that it must have happened since January when the steeple was tightened, because the bullet holes weren’t there then.
Bowie County Sheriff’s Office investigator Robby McCarver said Friday it looks like someone was trying to shoot out a street light and "the church was in the background and got hit."
McCarver told The Associated Press that nobody has been arrested.
New Boston is about 100 miles northeast of Tyler, where the investigation into a string of area church fires led to the arrest of two men in late FebruaFriday, March 19, 2010
Woman fatally shot at church counseling session

Story Published: Mar 17, 2010 at 6:11 PM PDT
Story Updated: Mar 18, 2010 at 7:03 AM PDT
Woman fatally shot at church counseling session
FEDERAL WAY, Wash. -- A woman has died following a shooting at a local church late Wednesday afternoon.
Police spokesman Ray Bunk said the woman and her husband were attending a counseling session at the Calvary Lutheran Church at 2415 S. 320th St. when the man pulled out a gun and shot her several times just before 6 p.m.
Bunk said it wasn't immediately clear whether the shooting took place during or just after the counseling session, but the suspected shooter called 911 afterward and waited for police and medics to arrive.
"We're unsure how many witnesses we have," Bunk said. "Right now, (we don't know) how many were in the room or even in the area. We're identifying and interviewing all those witnesses."
The 38-year-old Lakewood woman was taken to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, where she died. Her name has not been released.
The 42-year-old Lakewood man has been taken into custody.
Members of the congregation gathering for a scheduled soup supper, a Lenten tradition on Wednesdays, learned of the tragedy as they arrived at the church. Many grew teary-eyed over the incident at their place of worship.
"It was really scary to drive up and not know...we knew everybody was getting ready for the soup supper," said Sandra Cook.
Church members said a daycare inside the church was operating at the time of the shooting, sending parents on a frantic search for their little ones.
"The church is a place of hope, and to someone driven to this degree, this extreme...we just pray for everybody that was inside the building that was connected with this thing," said Stan Stenersen.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Sexual Assault at Church

The incidents occurred at the Milton First Assembly of God on Dogwood Drive and at the suspect’s residence in January according to the report. The investigation began into the matter on Jan. 27, when a deputy was dispatched to Milton High School concerning a sexual battery complaint. The victim complained to officers they had been “raped” by Nathaniel Baldwin of Milton a week prior to the investigation According to the victim, Baldwin had been a close friend of theirs for a couple of years, and both the victim and Baldwin attended the same church. One incident in the report alleges, the victim was at the Milton First Assembly of God Church on Dogwood Drive on Jan. 20 and prior to services starting went to use the bathroom. The victim told officers that when they came out of the bathroom, Baldwin was standing outside the door and grabbed them and then pulled them into another room that was dark. They continued by saying that Baldwin held them on the ground and pulled off their shirt and bra and began “sucking and biting” the victim according to the report. Baldwin then pulled the victim’s pants and underwear off and began groping them, and put his hand both over and inside the victim’s mouth to keep them from yelling according to the victim’s statement, When officers asked what made Baldwin stop the actions, the victim stated that Baldwin looked at his watch and might have stopped because “church was about to start” according to the report. The next day, the victim told officers that both they and a family member were dropped off at their grandmother’s house after school. The victim’s relative called Baldwin to pick them up to get something to eat, and afterwards they went to Baldwin’s residence. According to the report, when the victim arrived at Baldwin’s house, the victim’s relative began playing video games in another room, and the victim got on Baldwin’s computer. The victim told officers that Baldwin entered the computer room, closed the door, and put something in front of the door to block it. The victim alleged Baldwin sat in a chair behind them and began groping and biting them as he did the day before, only this time, Baldwin bit more forcefully. The victim told officers that they would send Baldwin text messages back and forth that stated “vulgar things” according to the report, but none of the texts sent from the victim suggested Baldwin perform such acts as he did. On January 28, an officer was sent to the victim’s school to take photographs of the alleged injuries. According to the report, several scratch marks and abrasions were seen on the upper part of the victim’s body. Officers interviewed one of the victim’s friends who told officers that the victim had notified them of the same story about the incident on Thursday. Deputies interviewed Baldwin on Feb. 17, who said that both he and the victim were “pretty close” and said that he was dating the victim according to the report. He told officers that their friendship turned to dating in October 2009. Baldwin told officers that he had kissed and made out with the victim in the past, and through text messages, the two would talk about things that they wanted to “do to each other” and said the victim would send him texts asking him to write role-playing scenarios to him according to the report. Baldwin told officers that the received texts from the victim suggesting he “touch (them) further” according to the report. The suspect admitted to the officers that both the incident at the church and his residence did occur, but believed them to be consensual. He told officers that he did not bite her roughly, and suggested the bites were only “hickey oriented” according to the statement. Baldwin also told officers that both texted about trying to find “a quiet spot to get away from everyone” and that when they were at the church that Wednesday, “they both found an empty room” and Baldwin admitted to the actions described by the victim that happened that day according to the report.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Pastor Pleads Not Guilty To Church Theft
The Rev. Stuart Zak waited through a slew of initial appearances before a $500 signature bond was set in his case involving two counts of misdemeanor theft.
Seated at the defense table without an attorney, Zak did not know how to respond when Circuit Court Judge Robert Wirtz asked him to enter a plea. Wirtz entered a plea of not guilty on Zak's behalf.
Zak resigned from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 855 Martin Ave., on Nov. 30 after he confessed to stealing between $5,000 and $10,000 over a period of 10 years.
On Nov. 29, Pastor Brett Naumann accused Zak of stealing from the Thanksgiving offering and switching the envelope containing the money with one featuring Zak's handwriting.
Zak at first denied taking the money. He then contacted police on Nov. 30 claiming that he "had sinned and needed to confess to stealing money from the envelope," according to the criminal complaint.
He later admitted that he first took money after a 1999 Christmas service. He admitted to stealing about $20 to $30 from offerings about 12 times since January 2009, usually after large services like Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve and Thanksgiving, according to the complaint.
Zak took out a loan to pay $10,000 to the church for the thefts from offerings, said Fond du Lac Police Department Capt. Steve Klein.
A plea and sentencing hearing is scheduled for March 18.
Man Breaks into Church to View Porn
Police allege 55-year-old Charles E. Bentley broke into the First Christian Church on Thursday. After gathering items from around the building, he is believed to have gone to the basement to spend the night.
Police, summoned to the church Friday by staff, found Bentley trying to haul away a garbage can filled with food, kitchen utensils, clothes, electronic equipment and a 26-inch flat-screen television.
Police Cmdr. Mike Brennan says Bentley used the electronic equipment to watch pornographic movies that were found on him when he was arrested.
Bentley is being held at the Story County Jail in lieu of $10,000 bond.
Woman Robbed at Church
11:39 AM EST, March 10, 2010
A woman's belongings, including her credit cards, were stolen while she went to communion at her church on Sunday.
The 80-year-old's personal belongings were stolen at St. Mary Church's 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday, The Rev. John Ashe said today. When she returned from communion, her things — including credit cards — were gone.
"It's the first time since I've been here that anything like this has happened," said the pastor, who has been at the church 20 years.
An unfamiliar man had been sitting next to the woman, he said.
"No one recognized this fellow, so, obviously, he was not from the community," the priest said. "He slipped in and slipped out."
Police are investigating the theft and have been reviewing surveillance photos from at least one business where the thief is suspected of using a stolen credit card. A woman was with the man in the photos, Ashe said.
Meanwhile, church leaders are spreading more than the word of God. They are telling people not to leave their purses in the pew at communion time.
"We're going to suggest to people to try to be more careful," Ashe said.
Portland police would not comment on the theft.
Police Nab Church Parking Lot Burglar
Last modified Wednesday, March 10, 2010 10:19 AM CST
Police nab church parking lot burglar through witness
FOREST — Separate incidents of vehicle burglaries in area church parking lots set off an investigation recently that resulted in one arrest last week.
Argelis Pena, 17, of East Third St., Forest, was charged as an adult with felony auto burglary.
Forest Police Chief Robert Roncali praised the work of his officers in keeping watch over church parking lots and said the department intends to keep up their efforts.
“These churches will be closely watched,” Roncali said. “Like anywhere else, we will not tolerate these kinds, or any other, of criminal activity.”
Capt. Will Jones said that last Wednesday, police received a report of a truck being broken into at Forest Baptist Church by breaking one of the vehicle’s windows and personal property was taken.
“A witness reported seeing the suspect and gave an accurate description leading us to the right person. We executed a search warrant on his residence and recovered the stolen property. The suspect gave us a statement admitting to the burglary,” Jones said.
This is the second incident of its kind in that church parking lot and Jones said the other incident remains under investigation.
“We encourage all of our residents to be careful when walking through any parking lot, during the daytime or at night,” Roncali said. “Be observant of your surroundings and report anything that is suspicious.”
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Woman Charged with raping teen boy in church Choir
charged with raping teen in
church choir
Associated Press • March 5, 2010
NEW CASTLE — Police have charged a Newark
woman with raping a boy who was a member of her
church youth choir.
Thirty-year-old Zipporah Holland-Samuels was
arrested Thursday and taken into custody after
failing to post $55,000 secured bail. She is charged
with nine counts of fourth-degree rape and one
count of second-degree rape.
Authorities said Holland-Samuels is a member of the
adult choir at her church who began a sexual
relationship with the boy in January after
volunteering to assist with the youth choir.
Investigators said the victim, who was 15 when he
met Holland-Samuels but has since turned 16,
would go to her home to have sex instead of going
to choir practice.
Published: March 29, 2010, 1:32 pm