TULSA, OK -- A slight disturbance after a prayer meeting at a Tulsa church resulted in two teens in handcuffs. Officers report that a teen held parishioners of the Sheridan Road Baptist Church hostage because someone in the church wouldn't return his cell phone.
Officers say the teen and others were blocking the doors, preventing people from leaving. Pastor John Plum told FOX23 it all started during youth service. The teen thought someone had his phone, which happened to be turned off. Plum said he tried to talk to the teen and even offered assistance in searching for the cell phone, but the teen became belligerent. That's when the church called law enforcement for assistance. "Our desire as a church is to reach out to families and help in any way we can, but our priority last evening was the safety of our elderly parishioners," Plum said. When officers responded, they tried to persuade the teens to leave, but they wouldn't comply. While trying to arrest the teen, another teen jumped in the way. That teen was also arrested. "We tried to talk to the teenagers, they were uncooperative, they were very upset and yelling," Offcier Darren Shipley said. One officer was transported to the hospital for a knee injury. He has since been released.
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